Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ramen with Chicken & Potato

Today I brown bagged my lunch for work. In my opinion, brown bagging shouldn't be confined to either a cold cut sandwich or last night's leftovers. That'd be a boring lunch. And a boring lunch should be a crime.

I didn’t have a lot of raw food ingredients to work with at home so I had to make do.

I basically started out with this.

First thing I did was to fish out the little MSG packet and toss it in then trash. Then I boiled the noodles according to the package directions. Then drained and rinsed the noodles (as you always should anyway because there’s an untold amount of preservatives and other body harming substances binded to the noodles). Tossed it with a bit of EVOO and soy sauce then put it in my container.

Next I took a good sized chicken breast and salted it slightly and fried it up in a skillet with a little EVOO. After it cooled off I cut it into chucks and smothered it with Old Bay seasoning and then tossed it all around to ensure an even coating. Set that aside. Don’t clean the skillet!

I boiled a small potato and after it cooled I peeled it, cut it into chucks and then threw it in the skillet with all the chickeny oil. Heated it slightly and tossed the chucks around and scraped off anything on the bottom.

Added the chicken and potato on top of the noodles to get this.