Monday, October 15, 2012

Chinese Pepper Sauce

There's a really big difference between Chinese pepper sauces and American hot sauce. Although both can usually be used interchangeably, pepper sauce is noticeably chunkier in texture and will not contain vinegar.

After harvesting the last of the Chinese Five Color Peppers from garden for the season, we decided to make out own pepper sauce at home. By now all the peppers had ripened to a bright red.

We went out and bought some green chilies to added contrast to our red chilies. We gathered all the ingredients and chopped everything up into nice even pieces. Here's most of the ingredients clockwise from the top: Green Chilies, Chinese Fried Black Beans, Chopped Garlic, Red Chilies. There was approximately equal portions of each.

Next we filled a wok with about 1 cup of vegetable oil and heated it just until a piece of garlic thrown in would start to sizzle. We threw everything in and mixed it well. The delicious aroma quickly filled the kitchen.

After letting it fry up for about 5 minutes, we poured in a jar of Soy Bean Paste and mixed it all up. We let everything cool off and packed it into glass jars with wide mouths. I think some of them used to be salsa jars.

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