Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pork and Veggie Rolls

For lunch today I made my own variation of the Summer Rolls that you get at Vietnamese restaurants. The outcome was a little labor intensive but very, very tasty.

Note: This recipe made way more then we could possibly finish between 2 people. It would have been enough to feed about 6 people with my guessimate.

1 pound ground pork
½ pound bean sprouts
1 bag of coleslaw (prepackaged at most supermarkets)
1 Tbsp Salt
1 Tbsp Dried Cilantro
1 lime, juiced
1 cup of water
1 package Rice Paper Wrappers
Sweet Chili Sauce

1. Make an assembling station on your table consisting of 2 large ceramic plates with lips, a cutting board or clean wooden surface and a pair of chopsticks. Using plates larger then your rice paper will make things easier later on.
2. In a small saucepan, boil the water while cooking the meat.
3. Mix the ground pork, salt, dried cilantro and lime juice in a medium skillet and cook until the pork is crumbly.
4. Add the bean sprouts and coleslaw and mix it all up.
5. Let it cook for about 2-3 minutes and then move the entire skillet to your assembling station.
6. Pour out ¼ of the boiled water into one of the plates. Add enough cold water so that the water is hot to the touch but will not scald you. Repeat this process as the water gets cold while you are assembling. Boil more water if needed.
7. Place 1 rice paper wrapper into the plate and let it sit submerged for about 30 seconds. If it doesn't fit all at once, hold one side submerged in the water until it gets pliable and then submerge the other side.
8. Place the chopsticks near the bottom of your cutting board. Lay the now pliable rice paper wrapper on the cutting board with just a little bit resting on top of the chopstick.
9. Using a large spoon, scoop the pork mixture onto the rice paper and form it into a half in wide log about half an inch from the bottom and sides.
10. Using the raised portion at the chopsticks, fold the sides of the rice paper in over the pork mixture. Then fold the bottom lip over the pork and begin rolling it like a burrito towards the top of the wrapper.
11. Place the finished rolls into the other large plate. Serve with sweet chili sauce.

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